Durata Universal Flexible Neck Holder DR11 4-10 inch devices
€16.99 Inc,BTW
De Durata smartphonehouder is universeel en is geschikt voor telefoons tot 17cm. Hierdoor is deze geschikt voor de meest gangbare telefoons, zoals de bekende modellen van iPhone of de Galaxys van Samsung. De houder is buigzaam, maar erg robuust. Ook het kopstuk waar je je telefoon aan vastklemt is van stevig materiaal, draai hem zo stevig vast als je wilt en je telefoon blijft er stevig aan zitten.
Shipping info:
We ship to virtually all countries. There are some restrictions applicable to some products, and some products cannot be shipped to certain destinations. If we are unable to ship your product, we shall contact you. All orders are dispatched within 1 to 72 hours of you placing the order. The delivery time frame depends on the delivery method you have chosen at checkout, however, you may receive your items much earlier or sometimes it can be slightly delayed, depending on the shipping address. Packages may be faced with delays beyond our control such as customs or postal delays. Please note: as with any delivery service, timescales are estimates, cannot be guaranteed and don’t include customs clearing times beyond our control.
Delivery costs:
Delivery charges depend on many factors, including the choices you make during checkout for delivery method. Total delivery costs are displayed on the final page of checkout before you submit your order. Please note that it is important to select the correct delivery country during checkout, your order will be cancelled if the delivery address does not match the delivery country as the charges will have been incorrectly calculated. If any additional delivery surcharge fees occur with your order, such as if the weight of a product exceeds the courier allowance or delivery to a remote destination, we’ll contact you and you’ll be able to choose to proceed or cancel the order.
Delivery address restrictions:
We have to comply with national and international regulations governing the transportation of certain products to certain destinations. These country specific delivery restrictions mean that not all products are available for delivery to all destinations. If the purchased product falls within these restrictions and cannot be delivered to your address, then we will contact you to find a solution or we reserve the right to cancel the order and refund your money.
We use a wide variety of leading global couriers and local postal services to deliver your orders depending on the origin and destination country and type of product.
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Voorzien zijn van:
- Nieuwe upgradebeugel, adelaarsklauwsteun.
- Eagle claw spring barb, triangulatiebeugel, stabiel als voorheen.
- De veerhaak vergrendelt het lemmet en valt niet.
- 6 hoogwaardige magneten, stabiele adsorptie mobiele telefoon, niet bang voor hobbelige wegomstandigheden.
- Hard siliconen afdekoppervlak, matige hardheid, anti-seismische slip, effectieve bescherming van mobiele telefoons.
Durata Magnetic 360° Universal Vent Holder DR-HM2
Brand |
Durata |
Product type |
Phone/Tablet Holder |
Model |
DR-HM2 |
8719831890125 |
Compatibility with devices |
Universal |
Functionalities |
Material |
Metal/ Plastic |
Color |
Black |
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